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I was recently contacted by a Shi’ite person who, after reading some of my blog posts, claimed that the Ahlus-Sunnah are racist. Specifically, he was referring to the posts about the superiority of Arabs over non-Arabs, as well as the issue of non-Arab men being unworthy of marriage to Arab women.
So I wanted to clarify this issue here. Not only am I going to show how the Ahlus Sunnah are not racist, I’m also going to demonstrate how it’s the Shi’ites who are truly racist.
As for the Ahlus Sunnah being racist, I ask how is that even possible when the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah are from God Himself? If racism is unjust, and God is perfectly just, then how can the rules of God be racist? That makes no sense at all! So even though the principle of Arabs being superior to non-Arabs may appear to be unjust, we know that since it is commanded by God Himself, it cannot be unjust, and hence it isn’t racist.
So much for the idiotic argument about the Ahlus Sunnah being racist. Now moving on to the more interesting part of the racism in Shi’ism.
What a lot of Muslims are not aware of is how blatantly racist Shi’ism has been throughout its history. Not only in the past, but even now these Shi’ite “scholars” are propagating the same racist notions in their books of law. The following is a selection of some of the racist material I found present in the works of their most important modern scholars (from last century):
Ayatullah Abu al-Qasim al-Khui:
Ayatullah Khui
One of the most important Shi’i scholars of the last century. You can read more about him here, here, and here.
He states the following in his Kitab al-Nikah, volume 1, page 16:

يكره تزويج سئ الخلق، والمخنث، والزنج، والأكراد، والخزر، والأعرابي، والفاسق، وشارب الخمر

Translation: It is reprehensible to marry someone with bad character, and the transgendered person, and the Zunj (black person from Eastern Africa), and the Kurds, and the Khazars (a group of Turkic people), and the bedouin Arabs, and the immoral persons, and the drinker of alcohol.
Notice the racism in that law against Kurds and black Africans. This is something that we will see throughout the Shi’i books of law and hadith. But first, here are some more scholars who have made the exact same ruling in their works:
Ayatullah Sadeq Rohani:
Ayatullah Sadeq Rouhani
You can read more about him here and here.
He states the following in his Urwat al-Wuthqa, vol 2, page 459:

يكره تزويج سئ الخلق، والمخنث، والزنج، والأكراد، والخزر، والأعرابي، والفاسق، وشارب الخمر

Translation: It is reprehensible to marry someone with bad character, and the transgendered person, and the Zunj (black person from Eastern Africa), and the Kurds, and the Khazars (a group of Turkic people), and the bedouin Arabs, and the immoral persons, and the drinker of alcohol.
Ayatullah Muhammad Kazim Tabtaba’i Yazdi:
Ayatullah Kazem Yazdi
He was the head of the Hawzah of Najaf till his death. You can read more about him here.
He states the following in his famous work, al-Urwat al-Wuthqa, volume 5, page 480:

يكره تزويج سئ الخلق، والمخنث، والزنج، والأكراد، والخزر، والأعرابي، والفاسق، وشارب الخمر

Translation: It is reprehensible to marry someone with bad character, and the transgendered person, and the Zunj (black person from Eastern Africa), and the Kurds, and the Khazars (a group of Turkic people), and the bedouin Arabs, and the immoral persons, and the drinker of alcohol.

Shaykh Tusi:
The above were some of the important modern scholars. But this stance has been present in Shi’ism since the very beginning. For example, we see that Shaykh Tusi, one of the most important and prominent scholars in Shi’ite history (you can read more about him here, here, and here) says the following in his book al-Nihaya on page 464:

ويكره نكاح جميع السودان من الزنج وغيرهم إلا النوبة خاصة. ويكره التزويج بالأكراد. ويكره تزويج المجنونة. ولا بأس بوطئها بملك اليمين، غير أنه لا يطلب ولدها

Translation: It is reprehensible to have Nikah with (i.e. marry) any Black person from the Zunj region or otherwise, except for the Nubians specifically. And it is reprehensible to marry a Kurd. And it is reprehensible to marry an insane person. But there is no problem if a man has sexual intercourse with such a person (a Black, Kurd, or insane) if she is his slave-girl, except that he should not desire children from her.
He also says on page 373 of the same book:

ولا ينبغي أن يخالط أحدا من الأكراد، ويتجنب مبايعتهم ومشاراتهم ومناكحتهم

Translation: It is undesirable to socialize with any person from the Kurds, and one should avoid trading with them and associating with them and marrying any one of them.
Shaykh Yahya bin Sa’eed al-Hilli
Another famous early scholar, Shaykh Yahya bin Sa’eed al-Hilli, also states the same in his al-Jami’ al-Sharaye, page 245:

ويكره مخالطة الأكراد ببيع وشراء ونكاح

Translation: It is reprehensible to associate with the Kurds, or sell to them, or buy from them, or marry them.
Shi’ite Hadith:
So as we can see, racism is very abundant in the Shi’ite books of law. But this racism is not only present in their law books, since there are also numerous narrations (ahadith) from their Imams that are present in their hadith books that are also blatantly racist. Some of these I’m quoting below.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Ya’qub al-Kulayni, the most important hadith compiler of the Shi’ites, narrates in his famous work, al-Kafi, in volume 5, page 352:

من كره مناكحته من الأكراد والسودان وغيرهم
1 – علي بن إبراهيم، عن هارون بن مسلم، عن مسعدة بن زياد، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام): إياكم ونكاح الزنج فإنه خلق مشوه.
2 – علي بن إبراهيم، عن إسماعيل بن محمد المكي، عن علي بن الحسين، عن عمرو بن عثمان، عن الحسين بن خالد، عمن ذكره، عن أبي الربيع الشامي قال: قال لي أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): لا تشتر من السودان أحدا فإن كان لابد فمن النوبة فإنهم من الذين قال الله عز وجل: (ومن الذين قالوا إنا نصارى أخذنا ميثاقهم فنسوا حظا مما ذكروا به أما إنهم سيذكرون ذلك الحظ وسيخرج مع القائم (عليه السلام) منا عصابة منهم ولا تنكحوا من الأكراد أحدا فإنهم جنس من الجن كشف عنهم الغطاء
3 – عدة من أصحابنا، عن سهل بن زياد، عن موسى بن جعفر، عن عمرو بن سعيد، عن محمد بن عبد الله الهاشمي، عن أحمد بن يوسف، عن علي بن داود الحداد، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال: لا تناكحوا الزنج والخزر فإن لهم أرحاما تدل على غير الوفاء قال: والهند والسند والقند ليس فيهم نجيب يعني القندهار

Translation: Chapter on the dislike of marriage with the Kurds and the black persons, and others.
1 – Abi Abdillah (the sixth Shi’ite Imam) said that Ameer al-Mu’mineen (Ali bin Abi Talib, the first Shi’ite Imam) said: Beware of marrying the Zunj (black people from East Africa) for they are a deformed creation.
2 – Abi Abdillah (the sixth Shi’ite Imam) said: You must not buy anyone (a slave) from the Sudan (literally, the land of black persons), but if you do, then (buy) the Nubians, for they are amongst those for whom Allah the Mighty and Exalted said: “From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them” [Quran, Surah 5, verse 14]. Indeed a time will come when they will remember that part, and a group of them will come out with the Qa’im (Mahdi) for his support. But do not marry anyone from among the Kurds for they are a kind of Jinn (Genies) from whom the veil (of invisiblity) was removed.”
3 – Abi Abdillah (the sixth Shi’ite Imam) said: Do not marry the Zunj or the Khazars for they have wombs which indicate that they are unfaithful.
He further said: The Indians, the Sindhis, the Qand (that is, those from Qandahar), there doesn’t exist among them any person of noble descent.
This same Shi’ite scholar, Shaykh Kulayni, also narrates in al-Kafi, vol. 7 pg. 297:

وعنه، عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله وغيره أنه كتب إليه يسأله عن الأكراد فكتب إليه لا تنبهوهم إلا بحد السيف

Translation: Abi Abdillah (the sixth Shi’ite Imam) was sent a letter in which he was asked about the Kurds. He replied to the letter stating, “Do not deal with them except with the edge of the sword.”
Another very important early Shi’ite scholar and hadith compiler, Shaykh Saduq, narrates in his Illal al-Shara’i, vol 2, page 527

باب 310 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره مخالطة الأكراد
1 – أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن علي ابن الحكم عمن حدثه عن أبي الربيع الشامي قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) فقلت له ان عندنا أقواما من الأكراد يجيئونا بالبيع ونبايعهم فقال: يا ربيع لا تخالطهم فان الأكراد حي من الجن كشف الله عنهم الغطاء فلا تخالطهم

Chapter 310 – The reason because of which it is reprehensible to socialize with the Kurds
1 – Abi Rabee’ al-Shamiy asked Abi Abdillah (the sixth Shi’ite Imam), “There are among us some Kurdish peoples, who come to us for trade and we sell to them.”
Abi Abdillah replied: “O Rabee’, do not associate with them, for indeed the Kurds are from among the Jinns from whom Allaah has removed their veil of invisibility (and hence they are visibile to you).
He also narrates this same narration in his book Man La Yahduruh al-Faqeeh, in volume 3, page 164:

3603 – وقال عليه السلام لأبي الربيع الشامي: لا تخالط الأكراد، فإن الأكراد حي من الجن كشف الله عز وجل عنهم الغطاء

He (Shaykh Saduq) also narrates in his book al-Khisal on page 352:

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا أحمد بن إدريس قال: حدثني محمد بن أحمد، عن سهل بن زياد، عن منصور، عن نصر الكوسج، عن مطرف مولى معن عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا يدخل حلاوة الايمان قلب سندي، ولا زنجي، ولا خوزي ولا كردي، ولا بربري، ولا نبك الري، ولا من حملته أمه من الزنا

Translation: Abi Abdillah (the sixth Shi’ite Imam) said: “The sweetness of belief will never enter the heart of the Sindhi (a person from Sindh; modern-day Pakistan), the Zunji, the Khuzestani, the Kurdish, the Berbers, those who reside in the hills of Ray (present day Tehran in Iran), and those born of adultery.”
Also in the same book, on page 110:

حدثنا الحسن بن أحمد بن إدريس رحمه الله، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أحمد، عن محمد بن علي الهمداني يرفعه إلى داود بن فرقد، عن أبي جعفر أو أبي عبد الله عليهما السلام قال: ثلاثة لا ينجبون أعور يمين، وأزرق كالفص، ومولد السند

Translation: Abi Abdillah (the sixth Shi’ite Imam) said: “Three types of people are not of noble birth: those whose right eye is blind, those whose eyes are blue like a gemstone, and those born in Sindh.
Another Shi’ite scholar, Shaykh Zayn al-Din al-Amili (better known as Shaheed al-Thani) narrates in his book Musakkin al-Fu’aad on page 32:

وعن معاوية بن حيدة القشيري، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، قال سوداء ولود خير من حسناء لا تلد، إني مكاثر بكم الأمم: حتى أن السقط ليظل محبنطئا على باب الجنة، فيقال له: ادخل الجنة، فيقول: أنا وأبواي؟ فيقال: أنت وأبواك
وعن عبد الملك بن عمير، عمن حدثه، أن رجلا أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، فقال: يا رسول الله، أتزوج فلانة؟ فنهاه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عنها، ثم أتاه ثانية فقال: يا رسول الله، أتزوج فلانة؟ فنهاه عنها، ثم أتاه ثالثة، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله:سوداء ولود أحب إلي من عاقر حسناء

Translation: Mu’awiyah bin Haidah al-Qushairi quotes the Prophet Muhammad as saying, “A black woman who gives birth is better than a beautiful woman who who does not. I shall brag about your numbers before the nations, to the extent that the stillborn child will remain waiting at the gate of Paradise. So it will be said to him: ‘Enter Paradise.’ Whereupon he would say, ‘I and my parents?’ And it will be said to him, ‘You and your parents.’”
Abd al-Malik bin Umayr narrates that a man once went to the Prophet and said, “O Messenger of Allah! Should I marry that person?” The Messenger of Allah prohibited him from marrying her. He went to him a second time and said, “O Messenger of Allah! Should I marry that person?” The Messenger of Allah prohibited him from marrying her. Then the man went to the Prophet a third time, whereupon the Prophet said to him, “A black woman who gives birth is dearer to me than a beautiful but sterile woman.”
Notice here that a “black woman” is being referred to in contrast with a “beautiful woman”, implying that black women are ugly. What else can be expected from the Shi’ite filth! The English translations of these narrations are actually available on the popular Shi’ite website al-Islam.org, but there they have deliberately mistranslated the Arabic word Souda’ as “slave” instead of “black woman”. It appears that they are so embarrassed of their own racist scholars and their racism-filled books that they have begun to post false translations of these books now.
So, to summarize, there is no doubt that Shi’ism is a racist religion and is filled with racist laws and narrations. As for the claim about the Ahlus Sunnah being racist, then this is just a lie upon us, since a perfect religion can never be racist, and Allaah Himself has stated that Islaam is perfect. I hope this clarifies for the readers where the racism actually lies.